birthpains 2013
(This is their asset, vote, cooperative share,score, piece of the pie). Draw up your own constitution of rights and freedoms among yourselves. Keep it closed to those you trust.
-10 points for 1 hour work or equivalent. Make a list of what products and services each of you can offer. Commit to sharing those necessities. Global Cooperative. Starts with you first. Accept your local community currency and connect with others that are locally self sufficient. Unite as a Sovereign Nation of Children of the Light
UNREPENTANT: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide
Award-winning documentary film on Canada's Dirty Secret - the planned genocide of aboriginal people in church-run Indian Residential Schools - and a clergyman's
efforts to document and make public these crimes.
Award-winning documentary film on Canada's Dirty Secret - the planned genocide of aboriginal people in church-run Indian Residential Schools - and a clergyman's
First-hand testimonies from residential school survivors are interwoven with Kevin Annett's own story of how he faced firing, "de-frocking" , and the loss of his family, reputation and livelihood as a result of his efforts to help survivors and bring out the truth of the residential schools. This saga continues, as Annett continues a David and Goliath struggle to hold the government and churches of Canada accountable for crimes against humanity, and the continued theft of aboriginal land.
UNREPENTANT took nineteen months to film, primarily in British Columbia and Alberta, and is based on Kevin Annett's book Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust. The entire film was a self-funded, grassroots effort, which is reflected in its earthy and human quality.
UNREPENTANT took nineteen months to film, primarily in British Columbia and Alberta, and is based on Kevin Annett's book Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust. The entire film was a self-funded, grassroots effort, which is reflected in its earthy and human quality.
Official Site: NativeTube:
What do you think of this information, and the qualifications of the people involved?
The eternal social struggle toward liberty was founded in the “West” on: Natural, US Constitutional, British Common Law, and is now thwarted by a “Post 911” zero tolerant, artificial legislative law. Under philanthropic tyranny, historically established, foundational, non legislated, US Constitutional, and Canadian Common Law was incrementally replaced here in Canada beginning in 1982.
Governments removed our “bit” from their “jackass” mouth. Deceptive, “democratic”, socialist, legislative dictators abandoned their official oath to the creator, and the defender of our faith. This oath of office was their commitment to hold forth truth, freedom, as well as serve and protect the people of this country. Unfortunately this is no longer the case. Under penalty of death, many have taken a secret oath to “fall down and worship the devil” (Matthew 4).
In exchange for the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them, they treasonously implement the great architect of the universe’s initial economic plans for population control. Under the guise of global philanthropy, radical “sustainable”, “peace” and “safety”, international treaty statutes, rapidly became a new, uneconomic, zero tolerance law. These laws again jump started that old “Ordo Ab Chao” program, railroading society onto the fast tracks of economy trashing, and job killing.
History shows, promises for peace and safety through bureaucratic constructs, inevitably lead to “sudden destruction”(1 Thessalonians 5:3).
The wolves in sheep’s clothing are no longer hidden,but increasingly in plain sight. “By their fruits ye shall will know them”(Matthew 7 15:20).
Sincerely, SIR GEO, Owen Sound, Ontario
FRIAday 04 27 2012 = 4/9/5 = 9/9-= 18 = 9 FREE us from the BLACK WIDOW, LOCUST, LIZARD and MAGGOT QUEENs from the ABYSS! abyssbugs
Illuminati a myth ? Volume 1 and 2 // The Illuminati 2-The Antichrist Conspiracy / G. Edward Griffin - Creature From Jekyll Island MONEY SIN SYSTEM// Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed [Full Length] // The Money Masters [Full Documentary] // Hollywood's Satanic Agenda...VERY Eye Opening..// Was 911 a Masonic Ritual Sacrifice? // While You Were Sleeping (Full Documentary) HD // Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined Full version //
SUNgod day 03 11 2012 The goD of the JUDEO RAmen CHRISTIANS is JESUS= PINDAR the DRAGON LORD.
THE LAST POPE WILL BE (PETRUS ROMANUS or Peter the Roman)- POPE PETER... The Catholic Prophecies of St. Malachy, the next pope will be the last Pope Peter whose pontificate will end in the destruction of the city of Rome. notice a very handsome man of the cloth never far from the pontiff's side. That would be Monsignor Georg Gänswein, the Pope's personal secretary, responsible for everything. The pair typically take a daily stroll together after lunch in the Vatican gardens. ( GAG!)
( GOD's NAME is EMMANUEL. JESUS (PINDAR) is the son of the DEVIL ( DRAKEN).
Sophia /Magdalene / EVE /Tetragrammaton / LUNA
EMMANUEL/ ADAM / SOL (God with us)
EMMANUEL/ ADAM / SOL (God with us)
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time to get off the -----MATRIX anyway. U will be in LOCK DOWN, if U don't head for GREEN ENERGY land. USE DIRECT CURRENT ONLY, not AC.
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The Most Powerful Man In The World? The “Black” Pope Count Hans Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General
The Most Powerful Man In The World? The “Black” Pope Count Hans Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General
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Jr. Genius Grade 10 French Exam
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Age of Aquarius time of sharing between mankind; learn to honor and respect Earth Mother and all of her
splendid creations. Be a part of that sacred way of life. Each must be self-sustained and go back to growing our food from Mother Earth. Above all, they said, man needed to go within himself, in order togain spiritual understanding of what would be happening
splendid creations. Be a part of that sacred way of life. Each must be self-sustained and go back to growing our food from Mother Earth. Above all, they said, man needed to go within himself, in order togain spiritual understanding of what would be happening
TIAMAT WHITE moon goddess (moon was a vehicle for creation expts by ARIEL / LUNA / MOTHER / LUCIFERA / SLEEPING BEAUTY)
TIAMAT: Babylonian name composed of the Sumerian elements ti "life," and ama "mother," hence "mother of life." In mythology, this is the name of a primeval sea dragon goddess, the embodiment ofChaos, and mother of the first gods.
Mother Tiamat & Her “Little Monsters”: An Analysis Of Lady Gaga And Born This Way
Creation Legend: Merodach the Dragon Slayer ( MARduk the idiot, Enki's kid)
Nammu Primordial Mother of the Deep who "gave birth to Heaven and Earth," according to Sumerian scripture. She created humans from the clay (long before Genesis was written). Babylonians called her Tiamat, Mother of the Gods, but in the Enuma Elish, her son Marduk killed and dismembered her to create the above and below. Canaanites also honored Athirat Yammi (which some translate as Asherah of the Sea) as Qaniyatu Elima, Mother of the Gods. Nammu as a woman sea-serpent. She is the waters and the Source, pouring out the essence of life.
Tiamat, the chaos dragon, is the Great Mother. She has a dual character. As the origin of good she is the creatrix of the gods. Her beneficent form survived as the Sumerian goddess Bau, who was obviously identical with the Phœnician Baau, mother of the first man. Another name of Bau was Ma, and Nintu, "a form of the goddess Ma", was half a woman and half a serpent, and was depicted with "a
babe suckling her breast" (Chapter IV). The Egyptian goddesses Neheb-kau and Uazit were serpents, and the goddesses Isis and Nepthys had also serpent forms. The serpent was a symbol of fertility, and as a mother was a protector. Vishnu, the Preserver of the Hindu Trinity, sleeps on the world-serpent's body. Serpent charms are protective and fertility charms. ; ;; ; ; ; ;
The Order of the White Moon Goddess Gallery Presents TIAMAT Created by Sea Dragon
The creation legends of the Babylonians tell the story of Tiamat's being wed to Apsu (seems to mean “far waters”) and giving birth to the original deities. However, these children were loud and annoying which bothered Tiamat greatly. Apsu, her husband, tried to convince her to kill them with his help to create the heavens and earth. She didn't agree to do that until Apsu's death. The younger deities learned of their parents plan, and a great battle ensued. Apsu was murdered by his son, Ea, but he couldn't defeat Tiamat. So he got help from his son Marduk who battled Tiamat. In the battle, Tiamat opened her mouth to swallow him as he approached her but he threw a storm into her mouth. Marduk then killed her by shooting an arrow into her belly. Marduk then cut up Tiamat's body into pieces to create the heavens and earth. Marduk then became the “King of the Gods” in Babylonian legends. For the Babylonian sailors, the seas divided the sky and the earth at the horizon. Splitting the primordial sea to create the heavens and the earth makes sense. For the creative power of Tiamat, use Amazonite symbolizes new beginnings bringing you the power to find new paths in your life. (Tiamat helps in mental and physical difficulties).
It is complete and many classrooms, websites can be added on, so that each person can express their TRUE UNIQUENESS
WE are READY TO ROLL SERENITY WAMPUM WORLD cover and resume-2012.doc
Usury Free Serenity Global Cooperative
Join us in a New Paradigm of Universal Oneness, Serenity and Prosperity for All.
We are a Network of People with Integrity and OPEN hearts, READY to create a BETTER WORLD for seven generations to come.
We are a Network of People with Integrity and OPEN hearts, READY to create a BETTER WORLD for seven generations to come.
Form your Community Tribe and choose a name- 1000 points= 100 hrs =100 shares in your local cooperative.
These covenant communities will link up into a SerenityGlobal Cooperative.
Honouring Innocence, Integrity, Justice, SERENITY and FREEDOM for all those WHO KNOW HOW TO SHARE and HONOUR MOTHER EARTH and her Ascension.
Univeral Truth is still being HOARDED for ego and money. Keep it to yourselves then! The Meek will inherit the EARTH anyway! EAT YOUR MONEY! I will GIVE you the true GNOSIS MYSELF, for the sake of SERENITY. Stay tuned....2011...DANA.
The WAY to an A !
A Revolution in Education
HERSTORY /DOC // PDF/ 2012 MANUAL //URGENT AUDIO //APRIL FOOLS 1-7 2012 // 8-15 //16-23 // 24- 30 // Mar 1-7 // Mar 8 - 15 / / Mar 16 - 23 / Mar 24 - 30// mail edition - / // PAGE 1 // PAGE 2 // PAGE 3 //PAGE 4 // PAGE 5 // PAGE 6 // PAGE 7 // PAGE 8 // PAGE 9 // PAGE 10 //PAGE 11 // PAGE 12 // PAGE 13 // PAGE 14 // PAGE 15 // PAGE 16 // PAGE 17 // PAGE 18 // PAGE 19 // PAGE 20 //DEACTIVATE ARCHONS // Canada's Dirty Secret ///FRENCH HWK // PISTIS SOPHIA
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